Heck's Market Food Pantry at MCCC

Heck's Market Banner

food pantry door imageItems Available*:

  • Food such as milk, meat, fruits, vegetables, oil, flour, etc.
  • Baby Products
  • Personal care products
  • Cleaning products

*Product availability varies. We will do our best to source and provide high demand products for students.

Hours of Operation:

Heck's Market Food Pantry is available to students during regular MCCC business hours (9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., closed 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch, Monday through Friday). Students should go to the Office of Admissions in the Warrick Student Center (S-101), and a member of our staff will gladly open the pantry for your use. 

Students may also schedule appointments by emailing foodpantry@cn-sportgoods.com. All students are welcome. 

MCCC Food Pantry Service Statement:

Nearly a third of MCCC students are food insecureThe MCCC Food Pantry will provide a variety of healthy food options and essential supplies to any student for free who identifies as food insecure. We commit to a dignified and welcoming customer experience for all patrons.

The MCCC Food Pantry is made possible through a partnership with the Monroe County Opportunity Program and gifts from generous donors. 

In the News:

"MCCC food desert receives oasis; The Foundation develops food pantry." MCCC Agora, April 20, 2021

"Student food pantry opens at Monroe County Community College," Monroe News, November 22, 2021


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